Brotherhood of hermits of Arnotegui

Since its creation in 1967, the Brotherhood of Hermits of Arnotegui has assumed the responsibility of organizing the staging of the Mystery, a task that it currently continues to carry out within the Fundación Misterio de Obanos, to which it belongs as a founding patron.

As a non-profit Association, the Brotherhood directs its activity to achieve the following purposes:

  • Encourage worship and devotion to Santa Maria.
  • Promote and facilitate all kinds of meetings and gatherings that promote the religious, cultural, tourist and social development of the town of Obanos and collaborate with the “Misterio de Obanos” Foundation. The Brotherhood of Hermits of Arnotegui is largely made up of residents of Villa de Obanos and also from other towns.
  • Exercise the cultural and social activities that it deems convenient.
  • Collaborate with the "Mystery of Obanos" Foundation for the maintenance of the costumes and representation of the "Mystery of Obanos".

Brotherhood Composition

The Brotherhood of Hermits of Arnotegui is made up of people over 18 years of age who, having duly processed their request, wish to cooperate with its aims and accept the statutes.

The partners assume as rights:

  • Participate in the General Assembly with the right to voice and vote.
  • Be elected to serve as a member of the Board of Directors.
  • Be informed of the progress of the Association.

The duties of the partners are:

  • Maintain and conserve the Hermitage of Arnotegui.
  • Collaborate and help in the festival of San Guillermo and pilgrimages.
  • Pay the annual fee.

The Board of Directors is made up of the president or Senior Hermit, vice president or Second Hermit, secretary or Chronicler, Treasurer, four Members and the Chaplain. Today they are the ones who carry the main weight of the Obanos Mystery organization.