The famous couturier has examined the collection that brings together more than 1,000 suits from the Obanos Mystery Foundation with the aim of establishing collaboration agreements with the entity

The fashion designer Lorenzo Caprile was in Navarra on April 28, invited by the Obanos Mystery Foundation, to visit the collection of suits that the entity guards at the headquarters located in the same town. The designer was received by the President of the Foundation, Juan Manuel Rubio, together with other members and collaborators of the board of trustees. The designer was able to examine the important collection, which consists of 1,056 complete suits, as well as numerous accessories and numerous props, taking a very pleasant impression of the entire ensemble and the state of conservation of the suits. Lorenzo Caprile, one of the most prestigious dressmakers of today, known for his creations for important celebrities and -in recent times- for his participation in the TV program “Maestros de la Costura”, also cultivates a lesser-known facet such as his link to the world of theater and his collaboration with different companies.
“The visit has been very productive in finding formulas for collaboration and he has been impressed by the enormous value of the heritage that we preserve in Obanos”, pointed out Juan Manuel Rubio. “For the Foundation it is also a satisfaction to open up possibilities for future performances and start joint projects with a figure of the stature of Caprile”.
PROJECT TO DIGITALIZE THE COLLECTION The Misterio de Obanos Foundation this year begins an ambitious and innovative project to digitize the costume collection, with the aim of safeguarding a heritage of incalculable value, both for the quantity and quality of the costumes created by local seamstresses. The Foundation guards the collection at its headquarters, where maintenance and restoration work on the costumes continues to be carried out from time to time. In addition to preserving this important heritage in digital format, the objective of the project is to spread it over the internet to promote one of the intrinsic values of theatrical performance, whose origin dates back to 1962.